Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yellow Is The New Pink!!

Yellow yellow dirty fellow? NOT!!

I don't know why but recently, yellow seems to be attracting me more than my own fave colour. Its bright, and it can very sweet at the same time.

I found this in Oozora.tang and totally fell in love with it. It's big, which is conventional to stuff whatever junk we have while shopping, and duh, its yellow!!

The little tiny designs on the bag really spices it up even more.
Price: RM60

Next up, would be a layer-ish and flow-ish piece from Oozora.tang aswell. The design is really unique and interesting. It's really sexy and not revealing at the same time, which is cool.

Boy, I wish I could wear something like this. Unfortunately, I cant. Oh well.
Price: RM39
Remember to check out Oozora.tang (Link is on top) to get you hands on these!!

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